Can not add CommandBar if "Word 2003 to read Rich Text e-mail" isselected.
Hi Ken Slovak,
Is this version of Word from the same package and SKU as the Outlook
Yes, word is from the same package as the outlook
Is this a VSTO addin or a shared managed
code addin?
It is VSTO Addin
Are you deriving all of your Outlook objects from the Application
passed to you in your startup event handler (either Startup or
Yes, i am deriving all of my out look objects from the
application object passed to me in Startup
It looks strange to me too that i am getting
Inspector.IsWordEmail()==true and Inspector.WordEditor = null
Is there any Event available as "Activated", because i feel "Activate"
Event is fired before Inspector Activation. If i Receive this event
after Activation then i feel the proble will be resolved.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Nikhil Sharma