Hi Carmen,
have a look on this sites:
Outlook sharing solutions:
Article about "sharing your Outlook information (by Eric Legault)"
Office Marketplace Outlook messaging tools:
Maybe it helps.
Oliver Vukovics
Share Outlook without Exchange (Vista Ready): Public ShareFolder
Synchronize Outlook between PC and Notebook: Public SyncTool
"Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Hi folks! I have a friend who wants to run a small business from her home.
She and her colleague would both use Outlook to keep track of their client
appointments. Obviously they'd want a shared calendar to show changes as
they both go along.
I don't know enough about this so I thought I'd ask: could they get set up
doing that with Outlook 2007 on one of those Network Attached Storage
boxes? How would they go about doing it? Any good Knoweldge Base articles
or anything that would help? Like I say, Outlook I know and use but I'm a
newbie when it comes to networking them and their calendars and stuff...
Thanks in advance!