D.H. Cesare wrote:
"VanguardLH" wrote ...
D.H. Cesare wrote:
Sex is a two-way treat.
D.H. Cesare
And that had WHAT to do with the topic of your post? If you want to add
unrelated and off-topic fluff to your posts, do it in a signature (after
the sigdash line).
It's an automatic part of my signature and doesn't have any significance
what-so-ever, so don't get your shorts all wadded up. It's supposed to be
funny, but you felt it necessary to make something of it. Lighten up.
Nope, that is not part of any signature. A signature in a newsgroup
post is delineated by a sigdash line ("-- ") followed by the signature
content. You are using Outlook Express but if it was configured to add
a signature then it does add the sigdash line. Something else is adding
the auto-fluff appendage and which is NOT within a signature. The point
is that whatever you are using to add a *signature* is not really adding
a signature as there is no sigdash line. Netiquette requires the
sigdash line to delineate your signature from the body of your post.
Without the sigdash line, there is no signature section. That means the
fluff becomes part of the body of your post. If you are not using
something beyond OE to add the fluff, check how you configured OE to add
signatures. I don't recall there is any means within OE to eliminate
the sigdash line when a signature is appended. If OE or some other
software is screwed up by not adding the sigdash delimiter line, just
disable adding signatures to your newsgroup posts. Another possibility
is that you manually deleted the sigdash line before posting.