When I edit my contact names, they no longe display the way I like
" wrote:
Dear members, I use Outlook 2007 on Windows Vista. I have used outlook
form many years over various versions, each upgrade has imported my
contacts as I have upgraded.
My settings a
ToolsOptionsPreferencesContact OptionsDefault "Full Name"
order is First (Middle) Last
ToolsOptionsPreferencesContact OptionsDefault "File As" order
is First Last
My Problem is:
1) Open a contact to view or edit the details and
2) I have not edited this contact in Office 2007 before
3) the small business card viewed in the open contact on the right
hand side of the open contact shows the first and last name of the
contact. E.g. Joe Bloggs.
4) Click on Full Name... button to open the form "Check Full Name" to
edit details such as title, first, middle, last, suffix.
5) Close this "Check Full Name" form and even if you have no made any
changes, the name on the business card changes to Bloggs Joe.
Without a comma, this is not a logical, conventional representation of
a name at all.
My settings are First Last and my display is Last First in the contact
editing / viewing form.
Can you help?