Missing contacts
No way to know. Outlook does not do this all by itself. You would need to
provide the steps you used to create the problem. You should also post in a
BCM group. Using BCM changes everything.
Do you backup your data?
Russ Valentine
"Jake" wrote in message
I'm using Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager on a Windows XP Home
Edition machine. I started to look up a contact in my personal contacts
I know for a fact had been listed there and realized the contact was no
longer in the list. I scrolled through my list of contacts and saw that
other contacts are also missing. I did a search for the missing contact in
the search box and it didn't find the missing contact. Then I chose the
option to search "all contact items" and it still didn't find my missing
contact with the view set to phone list. For some reason I clicked the
business card view radial button the missing contact appears in that view.
Any idea what's going on here? I'm fairly new to Outlook 2007 so I may
clicked something I shouldn't have but what it is I don't know and I don't
know how to undo whatever I may have done. Thanks for any help!