Lost Outlook contact details
Hello all,
For some reason Outlook has decided its pst file is corrupt and must be
repaired. I ran ScanPST on it and managed to resurrect the file.
However, some information is missing. Specifically, some information in
contact details and sent items for the last five days. The Sent Items
problem is annoying but can be ignored for the moment. However, I need
some recommendations for solving the contacts problem.
The contact details, including the name, address, email address and
telephone for each person appear on the contact screen. However, when I
click on a particular person it only displays their forename and
surname. Can anyone recommend a script or software that will repopulate
the address field?
For anyone who is interested, the machine is running Windows XP and
Outlook 2000 SR-1. I'm uncertain what caused the data corruption in the
first place. Neither Outlook or the machine has crashed recently and
there are no problems with the hard disk.