Thread: CSV Import Bug
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Old November 3rd 08, 03:11 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Karl Timmermans
external usenet poster
Posts: 789
Default CSV Import Bug

Like Diane, followed your instructions in detail but also couldn't repro the
problem using Outlook's export/import process. Also did the
export/import multiple times with formatted and unformatted
Notes data to and from both CSV DOS and Windows file types. In every
case, all worked as expected so would seem that there is some missing

Since import/export topics are of special interest for obvious
reasons, did you provide Microsoft any additional details that were not
provided in your post on how to repro the problem?(i.e. settings)
What bug "exactly" did Microsoft acknowledge vis-a-vis the "styles"
issue? Just seems strange that Microsoft seems to be able to repro the
issue at will but Diane and I can't if we're all working from the same info.

For whatever little else it's worth - there has never been a single
similar problem reported for data that ContactGenie programs have
imported which has involved a fair bit of importing over the years
by a lot of different people across all versions of Outlook.

Out of curiousity, is this something that you can replicate on
different machines or just the one you're currently using?


__________________________________________________ _
Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"

"Tier 3 Questions" wrote in
message ...
When I did it 2 years ago it would because of pst corruption that was not
remedied by scanpst. I have an absurdly large rolodex with over 10K
so this is sort of a major deal that it changed all my notes.

Not sure why you are not able to reproduce. Microsoft was on a call with
today and they were able to reproduce. I would attach before and after if

"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote:

Why are you exporting to CSV only to import back into outlook? You
only export when you need it in a different format.

I can't repro it - everything looks fine here.

In tools, options, mail format, stationery and fonts, do you have arial

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"Tier 3 Questions" wrote in
message ...
When exporting contacts from Outlook 2007 to CSV and importing back
into a
new PST or folder, the import does some very strange things to the

Try a test, just create 1 contact.
1. In the notes field, enter a couple lines of text, seperated by a
2. A couple lines down, Type "Bulleted List" and then on the next three
lines enter the bullets "bullet 1," "bullet 2," and "bullet 3."
3. Last, another couple lines down, type "Numbered List" and again, on
following 3 lines, "number 1," "number 2," and "number 3.
4. Now export to CSV and then import into a new folder.

If your Outlook behaves the way mine does, it will actually apply
styles (I know, I didn't know that styles existed in Outlook either, I
thought it was just a Word thing). For those unfamiliar with Styles,
preset font, size, color, paragraph size, etc. And it applies it in an
that does not seem to make any sense.

I notified Microsof of the problem the first month that 2007 was
they acknowledged the bug and here we are about 2 years later and the
still exists.

Does anyone have any insight into this problem? Specifically, I'd like
at least return the styles to the default arial 10. Can it be done
some style sheets somewhere, some normal.doc, some alternate
approach? Even better, if there is a location where these style
reside, I'd like to modify them. Unfortunately, the styles for each
seem to be sometimes related to one another and other times unrelated,
there are at least multiple places where these contact notes styles are
