How to programaticaly use Bold or Colored Text in Task Body
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November 5th 08, 02:35 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms
external usenet poster
Posts: 94
How to programaticaly use Bold or Colored Text in Task Body
Hello Dimitry
I tryed but I got a message "This sample only works for the RTF Editor"
what's wrong ?
"Dmitry Streblechenko" a écrit dans le message de news:
Can't do that using the Outlook Object Model alone.
You can use SafeInspector.RtfEditor in Redemption -
Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
"bbnimda" wrote in message
Hi all,
I made a custom form "Task" and each time some one open the task I add at
the en of the Task body the time and the name of the curent user
I wanted to hihg light the Tag by making the the text Bold and colored
(one different color for each user)
Here is a part of my code
Function Item_Open()
Set FormPage = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("MyForm")
CurUsr = application.GetNameSpace("MAPI").CurrentUser
body = body & CurUsr & " le " & date & chr(13) = I want to make this
line Bold and Colored
end function
how can I do That
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