Automatically assign color category to meeting invitations
Thanks for the replies!
I'll give that a go. I was thinking that there would be a way to set a
default, like setting the option to receive read receipts on email. And if
not that, then some way to do it in the rules, but I haven't been able to
make it work.
"KePaHa" wrote:
Last thought from these quarters:
- Open a blank Mtq Request.
- Add the desired category.
- Developer tab choose Design This Form.
- Publish Form to Personal Forms Library.
- Create a menu or button to open this form, rather than the normal Mtg Req
Then, when you want to send a Mtg Req, you use this form with the category
"Jennifer" wrote:
Outlook 2007. I have an inbox rule that will automatically color categorize
incoming meeting requests. So when I look at my calendar I can see the color,
and the color shows up in my To Do list to the right of my inbox. I would
like to have meetings I organize color coded "automatically" on my calendar
and to do list.
I can do color coding with a custom view for my calendar, but that does not
carry over to my to do list.
So how can i either (a) change the default category on a new meeting
request, (b) set up a rule to set the category on outgoing meeting requests,
or (c) automatically update the category on meetings in my calendar for which
I am the organizer?