Try posting this in an Outlook Express news group - this is not one of them.
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Outlook Express is a part of Internet Explorer and has its own news groups.
You can also find some good Outlook Express information he
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, Harry H asked:
| I hope I have the correct newsgroup for my query!
| I am running Outlook Express version 6.
| When an email is sent to me with the photos and text visible from the
| desktop (ie no attachment) when I try to copy the photos to Word
| 2007 it will not copy the photo.
| When I paste to the Word Document, the outline of the photo is there,
| nothing else. I have tried to arrange the photo in front of the text,
| but its still blank.
| When I try to save each photo individually, but it tells me that the
| file is unavailable, and the message is "The system cannot file the
| file specified"
| Many thanks
| HarryH