Dear Kesh,
are you using an Exchange Server or alocal installation of Outlook with a
"PST" file?
If you use Outlook as "single" installation you can leave all your emails on
your "E-mail server" (provider) and you can download all your emails also
from another computer.
Have a look on this site :
"Leave e-mail messages on your e-mail server"
Maybe it helps.
Oliver Vukovics
Share Outlook without Exchange (Vista Ready): Public ShareFolder
Synchronize Outlook between PC and Notebook: Public SyncTool
"Kesh" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to view the emails from my outlook
using another computer from another site? I ask this because if my
fails then clearly I can not logon to Outlook on my computer till it is
repaired but I was wondering if I could see my emails using another
If there is a way then please keep your answers nice and simple please.
Kesh Patel