Corrupt PDF's send via Outlook 2003 SP1
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Corrupt PDF's send via Outlook 2003 SP1: on XP Pro, Symantec Antivirus
installed with email scanning.
Problem doesn't seem to occur with anything but PDF's.
When I (or anyone else in the office with this installation) send PDF's
they are corrupted.
ex. "This PDF has become damaged...."
I've tried disabling Symantec, Shutting down everything but outlook and
sending emails, Still happens. Installing a different client solves the
problem but this inst a viable option for our office.
If I Zip the PDF it is no problem.
So HOW are you sending the PDF files? In Outlook, do you use Insert to
attach an existing .pdf file onto your e-mail? Or do you use some menu or
function inside an application (other than Outlook) to send the PDF content
to the e-mail client? Are you using the embedded e-mail editor in Outlook,
or are you using Word as the e-mail editor? Have you checked what add-ons
or plug-ins are installed in Outlook (Tools - Options - Other -
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