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Old November 13th 08, 04:58 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default Public folder calendar disappears from OTHER CALENDAR


We have a calendar in public folders. We all have proper permissions. We
have also added it as FAVORITES and clicked on it from FAV's folder. Doing
this exact procedure places the item under OTHER CALENDAR so I don't have to
drill public folders each time.

Problem is every now and then for no apparent reason(s) the PUBLIC FOLDER
CALENDAR disappears from the other folder category. I can do procedure above
and it works.
For some of the expert users this is not a big issue however some users
don't like the idea of doing this often. Also, they forget the path of
public folder and causes unnecessary calls to helpdesk / me...any suggestion
that will fix the problem long term.

Hopefully MS will have a fix for this soon. I see many post and some so so
ok answers however nothing concrete.

Thank you for your time and help.
