I went back to re-read # 2 and 3, and the answer is no. You can show the
Sunday through Thursday work week using a one day view and select the
selected days from the date navigator but the days will not persist.
Outlook 2007 is a bit better.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, jpreman asked:
| Thanks Milly.
| Your suggestion answered my issue - question 1.
| Curious to know if there is any solution for 2 & 3.
| Kind regards
| Preman.
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| 1. Right click in the calendar grid, select other settings,
|| uncompress weekend days (works best when starting in day view)
|| 2.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| How to ask a question:
|| After furious head scratching, jpreman asked:
||| By default the Calendar Work Week contains 6 columns. The 6th one
||| shared between Sat and Sun days.
||| How can I achieve one of the following.
||| 1. Increase the number of columns to 7, one for each day of the
||| week. or
||| 2. since my work week runs from Sunday to Thursday how to change
||| the shared column to Fri cum Sat day.
||| or
||| 3. to have only 5 columns from Sunday to Thursday.
||| Thanks in advance.
||| Preman