1. PLEASE always give your Outlook version.
2. You can have only 2 in-boxes with your current setup. You can set the
Exchange account to use a .pst file that you create for your Personal Mail
from your ISP in which case you would have 3 in-boxes, one for Exchange, one
for your ISP mail and one for Hotmail.
3. If you are using Outlook 2007, you can set your ISP mail to deliver
directly to your .pst file and not your Exchange mailbox.
4. Are you using the Outlook Connector for your Hotmail?
5. I don't understand your question about the Calendar at all.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, Trcey asked:
| I have 3 different email accounts One is Exchange which I want to come
| directly to my inbox and be my default. #2 is a local account with
| Midcontinent cable and the 3rd is Hotmail. I can't get my exchange
| to load into the inbox it keeps creating its own info. Am I doing
| something wrong? Also, my calendar doesn't seem to show correctly
| even when it does do it's own setup.