Using and existing Yahoo e-mail on Outlook 2007. ENCRYPTED CONNECT
I have a brand new business that is have a business e-mail set up for through
Yahoo!. I tried using the same e-mail address for Outlook 2007, but the
message "An encrypted connection to your mail server is not available" pops
up when i try to set it up. I'm guessing that it's telling me that i can't
use THAT e-mail address because it's already in use (on Yahoo!).
My question is, do I need to delete my e-mail through Yahoo! in order to use
it for Outlook, or do I need to come up with a new e-mail address? I already
have business cards, flyers, repair orders, invoices and other stuff in
circulation with THAT e-mail address on it. So, changing it to a new e-mail
address would be somewhat counterproductive.