Unless you want to know why there is an unread item in the calendar... then
it's better to look first.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"Judy Gleeson (MVP Outlook)" judy wrote in message
There's really no need to find the unread one, just right click the
Calendar folder and Mark All as Read.
Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Are you sick of bad email practice? Get a copy of my paper "Implementing
Email Policy" from the Desk Doctors website.
"Vince Averello" wrote in message
It means the same thing. There's an 'unread/unopened' item in your
Calendar folder. Try using a list view of the folder to find the bold
"rgille" wrote in message
Hello - In Outlook 2003 calendar navigation pane, under My Calendars,
word "Calendar (1)" appears. What does the "(1)" refer to ? I know in
"Mail" part of Outlook, a number in parentheses next to a mail folder
indicates the number of unread messages in that folder. What does the
in parentheses mean in the Calendar folder? Thanks.