Very confusing problem!!!
Thanks for your reply
I have tried entering the credentials numerous times but to no avail!! Also
i re-installed Office so i know it won't have been SP3 that was causing the
problem. Any further suggestions???
"Merlin66" wrote:
I've had a similar issue. I found that I need to enter username and
password a total of 11 to 13 times for it to accept the credentials. I also
tried changing the password but still had the same result. I can
consistently launch Outlook and use it. I just have to enter my p/w 13
times. I'm guessing it has to do with SP3
Although I have the standard Office 2003 applications installed, I also have
OneNote 2007 and Visio 2007 installed. SP3 rendered my screen clipping
functionality and the ability to paste into OneNote useless. I'm afraid to
open Visio.
Good Luck!
"Simon" wrote:
Hope someone can help me cause this is making me pull my hair out!
Some of our users are having trouble connecting to our exchange 2003 server,
whether this is going through the VPN or RPC over http. It is constantly
coming up with the request for their username and password. I have reset
their password on both their local DC and also on the Exchange server but
still i am getting this error. I have tried deleting and recreating their
outlook profile and also re-installing outlook but to no avail. Other users
within the same sites are working ok!