I completely agree with the hot key suggestion. In addition, it would be very
useful if one were able to deal with these emails en masse, whether sending
them to MS, my ISP or dealing with them internally via Outlook. I have many
hundreds, and these recommendations are very time consuming, dealing with
each email on a case by case basis. Right now, they're all in my Junk E-mail
folder, and my preference would be for all emails coming from each of them
never to get to my computer at all, or at least immediately go to my Deleted
Items folder. OTOH, I also have thousands of safe senders, and it would be
very time consuming to add all those to a Safe Senders list, unless there's a
way to do that en masse.
BTW, on a related note, when will we be able to record macros inside
Outlook? That could facilitate this process. I'd like to be able to select
one or a group of emails, and have all the addresses added to my Blocked
Senders list, as well as being permanently deleted when coming in in the
I'm currently using Outlook 2003, but will probably upgrade to 2007 when I
get a new computer.
If MS came up with the hot key feature, how would I find out about it? Is
there a way to be put on a new features or patch announcements list?
"Ben M. Schorr - MVP" wrote:
Aloha Ty,
He http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...DisplayLang=en
The Microsoft Junk Reporting Tool. Sends the message to MS so they can improve
the filters AND automatically deletes it.
Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm
I think everyone is missing what the poster is asking.
I don't read his question as wanting to automatically delete any email
that Outlook deems as 'junk' email. I think he is asking that, in
Outlook 2003 you can select an email, and in the 'Actions' menu under
'Junk Email Options' you can select 'add to junk senders list'. When
doing this, I agree that it would be nice if there was a way to also
delete this email at the same time rather than selecting email,
navigating to 'add to junk senders list' and then having to hit delete
(or shift+delete and then enter to confirm).
Even better would be to have a hot key (like ctrl+J) that would add to
junk sender list and delete.
The fact that it is manually being added to the junk list kind of
confirms that the sender does not want the email. In fact, I remember
creating or having a button that would do exactly what I describe
"Vanguard (NPI)" wrote:
"K in MD" K in wrote in message
When I mark new email as junk mail I want to have it automatically
I have not figured out a way to do that with the rules wizard--only
previously identified junk is automatically deleted after setting up
You are the only person in the entire world that as a 100% perfect
spam filter. Everyone else gets to use one that might generate false
positives (i.e., good mail that gets tagged as spam). A safer
solution would be:
- Set auto-archive on the Junk folder to permanently delete after 1
- Enable the global auto-archive function, and set to run every 1
day. If
you leave this set to its default of running every 14 days, the 1-day
crap sitting in your Junk folder will accumulate until the
function is ran every 2 weeks (i.e., you'll have 2 weeks of junk
instead of
just one day's worth). The scheduled interval for Auto-Archive
should be
equal to the shortest auto-archive interval you configure for your
(or as short as the global interval if that is all you use).
- Turn OFF the Preview pane for the Junk folder.
- Enable AutoPreview on the Junk folder (shows first few lines of an
but only as plain-text).
- Use OL2003's junk filtering or something better, like SpamPal, to
suspect items tagged as spam into the Junk folder.
- Optionally configure whatever rule moves the mail into the Junk
folder to
also mark it as read (in case you don't want to see that folder
bolded when
new suspect mails arrive).
Then, when you get an e-mail that you are expecting, you can recover
from your setup tagging it as spam because you'll have a day to grab
it out of the Junk folder. Say you order something online and they
send you a copy of the purchase order in an e-mail. Often these get
tagged as spam, but you really do want a copy to keep for your
records, especially if it is downloaded software with instructions
and codes needed to download it again if you lose your copy or it
gets corrupted. Same for any e-mails sent by family and friends that
happen to get falsely tagged as spam. Maybe Mom goes to DisneyWorld
and sends you a greeting mail from Epcot but it gets detected as
All anti-spam mechanisms produce false positives, even C-R
(challenge-response) schemes. Do you really want to permanently
delete it and have no way to recover it? Move it into the Junk
folder, optionally mark it as read, and automatically delete the junk
after a day.
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