Contacts edits my phone numbers - how can I stop that?
I travel a lot and all my stored numbers are in full international format -
viz "+country codeareacodenumber. In that way they work anywhere in
the world, home or abroad. Which is good.
However, when I set up a new Contact in Outlook it deletes the international
access code identifier "+", which stops the numbers from working on other
devices, such as my phone. A number entered as "+44nnnnnnn" becomes
"44nnnnnnn" and doesn't work when called as it no longer makes sense on every
phone system.
Strangely, numbers originiating on other devices, such as my phone, and
synchronised across /keep/ the leading '+' in the Outlook Contacts record.
It's only numbers entered into Outlook that lose it.
Does anyone know how I can stop Contacts from editing the number and to
record what I tell it to?
Many thanks,