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Old November 29th 08, 09:09 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.installation
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default import files from Outlook Express to Office Outlook 2007

"Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:

"Rick" wrote in message

I must be missing something here. I am trying to move messages from an old
computer with outlook express and windows xp, to a new machine with office
outlook 2007 and windows vista. I have been able to migrate the address
book, but am not able to move the messages. I can get them from the old
computer with OE, but not into the new computer with outlook 2007.

One of the suggestions is to open them to OE in the new computer then move
them, but I do not have OE on the new computer...and if I did I wouldn't
paid the money to buy the outlook 2007 program.

I have copied the dbx files into the new computer where I can access how do I get them to Office Outlook 2007 so I can read them?

You import them to Windows Mail and then from there export the messages to
Outlook. For your address book, again, load it into Windows Mail, then use
Outlook to import the addresses from Windows Mail.
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
