email does not appear in the "in box" it just does not appear at all
"Sid9" wrote in message
"Gordon" wrote in message
"Sid9" wrote in message
I ran OUTLOOK in safe mode and sent the test appeared in
the web browser but not in the OUTLOOK inbox.
When you say "sent a test message" did you just "send a message" or did
you use the "Test Account Settings" function in the Email Account setup
dialog box?
Asking a question?
Please tell us the version of the application you are asking about,
your OS, Service Pack level
and the FULL contents of any error message(s)
This morning it was "Test Account Settings"
I've done both. The outcome is the same.
But what error message did the test account settings show? There must have
been one if the test message was never received...
Asking a question?
Please tell us the version of the application you are asking about,
your OS, Service Pack level
and the FULL contents of any error message(s)