archiving msgs in public folder w/ redemption
I'm looking for a best practice method to solve the following:
I have a public folder with ~12K msgs in it. A web application that I
use stores the EntryIDs of each of those messages so that users can
call up the message in Outlook from the web app via the
"outlook://entryid" link format.
I need to archive the msgs in this folder by year by setting up
subfolders for each year off the root, but I can't just move the msgs
manually or all the EntryIDs will change and the links in the web app
will be lost.
So I'm going to write a quick C# app to access the folder, find what I
need to move, move them 1 at a time and update the EntryIDs in the DB
after the move is made and the new EntryID is available.
So I just downloaded the new version of Redemption and noticed the new
RDO objects, last time I worked with it, these were not present. I'm
wondering if I can use the RDOSearchFolder object to quickly "find" all
the messages from a given year, then do the move operation based on the
results. Do SearchFolders even work in Public Folders?
Any ideas would be helpful.. thanks!