Answered previously. Try looking for responses to your posts before you post
the same question again.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007.
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options.
"malar" wrote in message
We have created an outlook addin, in which clicking a button an IE window
popped up. We use the InternetExplorer.Navigate2() method to popup the new
window which is present in the Interop.SHDocVw dll. The window opens
on top" with Outlook 2003 and IE6 or 7 provided the Microsoft Outlook 11.0
object library (9.2) .
We are in the process of migration to Outlook 2007 and we included
Outlook 12.0 object library 12.0.4518.1014 to build the solution. No code
change on the Navigation part. But we see a different behaviour. Its
displayed as minimized blinking window in the taskbar. The end users have
explicitly click the minimized tab to bring the window to the foreground.
Here is the code sample
Private Sub btnAttachToDIAMSXe_Click(ByVal ctrl As CommandBarButton, ByRef
cancel As Boolean)
Dim ieCtrl As New InternetExplorer
ieCtrl.Navigate2("http://localhost/....", 1, "DIAMSXe External
Interface", postData, postHeader)
ieCtrl.Visible = True
End Sub
Does anyone have any idea why the popup window appears minimized with the
Office 2007 and IE7 combination ? or is there a better way of
popping up a window through outlook addins.