Hyperlink vs Search in Outlook
Currently, I Search Calendar Items to find recurrences of prior items
(Appointment detail window), but in sending calendar items to OneNote via
"Meeting Notes" I notice there is written, at the bottom of the resulting
OneNote item, a hyperlink to open the original item (Appointment detail
window) in Outlook. I copied this link from OneNote and pasted it into the
current occurrence of the series of items and was able to navigate from the
current occurrence back to the prior occurrence while staying in Outlook
(though it does bring OneNote window in front of the Outlook window).
This is a bit quicker and less cumbersome than doing the search to find the
prior item I'm looking for, so...
I'm wondering what the hyperlink looks like (it is not visible, so far as I
can see) and can I either produce these links myself or create similar
navigation, in some other way, from one Outlook calendar item (appointment)
to another all from within Outlook, ie from one Appointment detail window to
another Appointment detail window?