Organizing OE Folders
What PA Bear said. As I replied in your OP in Windows Help & Support,
subfolders can reside under any folder you wish. It is /not/ a bad practice,
but you need to heed the caveats PA Bear posted regardless of where the
folders reside.
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"cajun_mike" cajun_mike@ qwest(DONOTSPAM).net wrote in message
I've been adding folders under the "Inbox" folder for a long time. Then,
began adding folders under the sub-folders - ie. nesting folders. This is
not a good practice I'm learning after my OE database became corrupted. I
also have allowed the folders get too large which contributed, I'm sure.
I have a couple of questions:
1) If I can't put my user folders under the "Inbox" folder, where do I put
them and how are they handled with the software?
2) If 100 mb is the arbitrary maximum size of the folder, how can I tell
large the folders are quickly so I can do something about it?
Thanks much,