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Old January 2nd 09, 02:21 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]
external usenet poster
Posts: 4,874
Default Outlook 07 moved all recurring appointments back 3 days.

"Palindrome" wrote in message

I recently purchased a BlackBerry Storm. I just noticed that all of my
recurring appointments in Outlook 2007, such as birthdays, have been moved
back by 3 days. I am not sure if this has to do with the sync with the
but I presume that is when it occurred. It looks like it is all recurring
appointments but I am not sure. I checked the time zones on both the BB
Windows and they are the same. Does anyone know what happened or how I
fix it without going through every appointment and changing the date
Please help!

No need to post more than once. Sounds like the time zone or the date in
the Blackberry was incorrect and when you synched it changed Outlook's
Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]
