Thank you for your help. It now works. Funny thing is, it was the same info.
I guess it reset it. Thank you again and Have a great NEw Year.
"Michael Santovec" wrote:
Opening a saved EML file does Not use the default mail program. The
default mail program only applies when another program (e.g. your web
browser) wants to send a new message.
You need to fix the Windows File Association for EML files.
OLEXP: Unable to Open EML File Attachments in Outlook Express
(Fixing the EML File Association)
If the abbreviated command in the above article doesn't work,
then try: Start, Run and enter the following (with the quotation marks):
"C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" /reg
Mike -
"Krissykk" wrote in message
I am having problems keeping Outlook Express set as my default email
"Set Program Access & Default (SPAD)". Every time I open a saved email
(example from "My Documents"), Windows Live Mail (WLM) opens it. I
continually go into "SPAD" and recheck Outlook Express in 'Custom' and
unchecked "Enable Access to this program" for WLM. However, WLM still
saved emails.
Under "SPAD" the Microsoft area shows: Email: Enable access to Outlook
Express & WLM.
Non-Microsoft shows: Email: WLM / Enable: WLM / Remove access:
Custom shows: Use default email / Use my current email program /
access to Outlook Exp. Again I continually click on make Outlook Exp
default and it makes the changes but WLM continues.
In Outlook Express / Options / General Tab / Default Messaging
"this application is the default mail handler / the button "Make
Default" is
greyed out and can not be clicked.
How do I keep Outlook Express as my default email?