Access Excel (whether already open or not) from Outlook
D you know GetObject() takes TWO optional arguments? The first one is
PathName, and the second one is the ClassName.
Your code supplies "Excel.Application" as the first argument as PthName,
which points to nothing and omits the second argument, thus, the GetObject()
returns nothing.
The correct code should be:
Set XL=GetObject(, "Excel.Application)
"wpiet" wrote in message
What am I doing wrong with this code?
Dim XL As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set XL = GetObject("Excel.Application")
If XL Is Nothing Then
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
XL.Visible = True
I was under the impression that, if an instance of Excel is already
GetObject would access it & 'Set' would assign it to the variable 'XL'.
However, when I step through it, 'XL' = Nothing & CreateObject opens
another instance of Excel.