You aren't deploying that are you? You should only be deploying your own
components, if the PIA's for Office/Outlook are needed they should be
installed from the redistributable packages from MS.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007.
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options.
wrote in message
I found the problem!
By default the file Interop.Microsoft.Office.Core.dll was not included
in the release!
Once included it works fine.
On 14 Gen, 11:42, wrote:
I'm still struggling with my outlook addin.
I'm developing an add-in for multiple versions of Outlook.
It is build with VB.NET, using the Shared-Add-in project. I created it
using Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library (Outlook 2002 aka 'Outlook
The OnConnection Event works fine.
The OnStartupComplete event works fine on Outlook XP but on Outlook
2007 it has this problem...if I include the line with the
ActiveExplorer variable the event never fires! :-(
What it can be?
Here is the portion of code:
Private _applicationObject As Object
Private _addInInstance As Object
Private _outApp As Outlook.Application
Private WithEvents _activeExplorerBars As
Public Sub OnStartupComplete(ByRef custom As System.Array) Implements
_outApp = DirectCast(_applicationObject, Outlook.Application)
Log("AppDetails." & _outApp.Name & " " & _outApp.ProductCode)
'_activeExplorerBars = _outApp.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars
_activeExplorerBars = Nothing 'REMOVING THIS LINE OF CODE
MAKES OnStartUpComplete To FIRE!
End Sub