Outlook 2007 - Changing Calendar View/Format to Mirror 2003
I have currently upgraded to Office 2007 and am having a problem with the
work week view on my calendar. In Outlook 2003, my work week view displayed
the days vertically, so that I could see all of my appointments for the
week/weekend at once. In 2007, the display goes across the screen vertically
and my appointments are conduensed so I have to roll my mouse over the
appointment to see what it is. Also, my screen only shows 8 am to about 2 pm
before I have to use my scroll bar to scroll down to see appointments after
that. Basically, I'm unable to view all of my apppointments on one screen
like I could in 2003. Any ideas how to change the format to display closer
to that in Office 2003?
Thank you in advance.