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Old January 16th 09, 09:33 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
external usenet poster
Posts: 1
Default Outlook 2007 Calendar Printing Assistant Print Error

Had the same error, went into outlook and disabled addin, launched CPA, got
the can not connect to Outlook error (as expected as the add-in was
disabled), closed out of CPA, re-enabled add-in, launched CPA again and
could print just fine.

Good Luck!

"bschneider" wrote in message
I have installed the Calendar Printing Assistant on our 2003 Terminal
running Outlook 2007. When I try to print a calendar, I get a print
"Windows cannot print due to a printer error...". I have tried it with
multiple printers and all the printers work fine for everything else.

I am wondering if it is a Terminal Services issue, because I installed it
my local computer running Vista and Outlook 2007 and it prints fine.

Any thoughts?
