You can't e-mail a folder. You can only e-mail individual files.
What is typically done if you want to send a folder and not have
numerous attachments is to Zip the folder.
If you colleague has Windows XP, he doesn't need Winzip. XP has support
for zip files built in. I suspect the Vista does as well.
No mail program should be altering ay attachments that it receives.
Are you sure that the problem isn't at your end? Have you looked in the
Sent Items folder to make sure that the images are still full size?
Are you attaching the images (File, Insert Attachment) or inserting
images into an HTML message (File, Insert Picture)? You want Insert
as Attachment for best results.
If you are Right clicking images and using Send To Mail Recipient, the
default option is to resize images.
Mike -
wrote in message
Hi Group,
I am trying to email images (1024*768*400dpi) to a collegue,
unfortunately he hasn't winzip and is using hotmail.
The problem is that hotmail is downsizing the images down to 680*400.
I was advised to email them in a folder but somehow OE6 won't let me
attatch a folder only the contents.
Please does anyone know of a workaround.