Multiple E-mail Account Back-up/Restore
Thanks, Gordon.
By account data, do you mean the set-up info for each account? I noticed
there is a way to Export account settings in Outlook Express, but I don't
see the same options in Outlook. I was planning on writing down the info,
but it would be nice to try and just import the .iaf files.
"Gordon" wrote in message
Dell Christopher wrote:
I'm getting a new computer and I want to move my Outlook data.
Currently, I have 3 e-mail accounts configured. Should I be looking for
3 separate .pst files or is everything stored in a single .pst file?
Assuming they are all POP accounts, all your DATA is in the one pst file.
The Email Account data is hidden in the registry. The easiest way is just
to write down the settings..
BTW, if you are getting Vista do NOT, I repeat NOT, use the Windows Easy
Transfer to move Outlook data and info.
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