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Old January 21st 09, 12:47 AM posted to
PA Bear [MS MVP]
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,647
Default "Popping" Hotmail

I have no idea what you talking about. If you have a new problem, please
begin a new thread about it.

ng_reader wrote:
Same mail client. Have to believe a hiccup. But, I did change that
within IE to reflect that, as you suggested.

Could be that I was "compacting" a few times and stopped, in the middle.
That cant be good.

Not pretty, but I went through all my messages and deleted/moved/filed.
went and deleted messages sent and deleted - deleted. If that makes sense.

Thank you for asking.

How is what's downloading from from Comcast's mailserver related to the
problems you'd encountered accessing your free Hotmail account via HTTP
(WebDAV) in OE?

ng_reader wrote:
OK, Right now Outlook Express is downloading over 8000 messages from my
Comcast account into my "in-box".

Going to the comcast web-mail client, it's really less than 10.

That's never happened before......

Not complaining, just stating.

"ng_reader" wrote in message
OK. Done and done.

HTH? Me too.

"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
IE Tools | Internet Options | Privacy | Sites: type...

...and Allow cookies for the domain.
~PA Bear

ng_reader wrote:
This may turn up a second time, but yes, it has worked and is working

I made the "cutt-off"date on several accounts, and the multiple
*has* to be what throws off OE.

A1. Nope.

A2. Have you ever been able to access this particular account in OE?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin

ng_reader wrote:
Anyone else having issues getting Outlook Express to retrieve
the Hotmail HTTP protocol servers out there on the Internet?

I use a couple of different "hotmail" accounts, but the one that I
frequently, and the one that I access directly from the MS Hotmail
does not seem to be "pushing" any new emails to my OE client.

Temporary or permanent, I am wondering.
