How to sort by name then date?
Hi Huck,
The Group By Box is located on the Advanced toolbar in OL2002.
Activate the Advanced Toolbar by:
- Click on the VIEW menu bar
Click the Group By Box located on the Advanced Toolbar
Right-click the gray bar with the field headings and select Group By
- Select the appropriate field header you want to group by
- Click and drag the field header up into the blank area created above
the folder. Messages will now be grouped according to that heading.
- To create a sub-group, simply select a second heading and drag it
underneath the first group heading.
- To display the messages within a group, click on the plus sign next to
each group heading.
To remove a grouping:
- Click and drag the field heading back down beside the other field
names within the header row. As you drag the field heading down, a
red arrow will guide you to place the heading in position.
- Turn off the grouping feature by deselecting the Group By Box button
or right-click the gray bar with the field headings and deselect Group By
"Huck Rorick" wrote in message
I guess I forgot to say I am using Outlook 2002. The advanced toolbar
doesn't seem to have a "Group by" button. Can this be done in Outlook 2002?
"Nikki Peterson" wrote in message
In Outlook 2003 there is a GROUP BY button.
Outlook 2003's Advanced Toolbar contains commands that
allow you mainly to customize the interface on the fly, and the
display of emails.
If the Advanced Toolbar is not visible, go to View Toolbars,
and click Advanced. Alternatively, right-click one of the other
toolbars or menu labels ("File", "Edit", "View" .), and click Advanced.
Once you can see the GROUP BY button on the Advanced tool
bar, click it. This will open a small darker gray window Just below
where it says INBOX and above the FROM and SUBJECT LINEs.
Now Drag the FROM title header and drop in in the darker gray area
above. Then drag the RECEIVED title header to the darker gray area
above. This will show your Inbox items sorted into groups using the
FROM first then date RECEIVED secondary.
"Huck Rorick" wrote in message
I would like to look through all the emails to a particular person. If I
click on the "To" column I can see all the emails to a particular person
(actually there is a problem with that which I will mention next) but they
seem to be in random order. Is there a way to have them sorted by date?
(i.e. by name first, then by date).
Actually, sorting on the "To" column does not get all the emails sent to a
given email address. Because Outlook uses the "display as" field. It
often give different "display as" names to the same email address. Can
someone suggest a good way to get all the emails to a given email address?