When you created your .pst file, you apparently used the older ansi format.
You should have created a unicode .pst file - old = 97-2002 format/new =
personal folders file.
Create a new .pst file and then try the export from OE again. Close the old
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, David Wess asked:
| This questions applies to both the Outlook that is included with
| Office 2003 and Office 2007.
| It looks like the maximum file size can be set to either 2GB or 20GB,
| with the default being 2GB. I just imported my Outlook Express
| messages and ended up with a pst file size of about 2.2GB. Outlook
| won't even let me set up so much as one additional contact. Is there
| is a simple method of increasing the file size to 20GB? I checking
| the kb articles, it seems that a bunch of somewhat complex registry
| edits are needed, and I am concerned about fouling up my computer if
| I make an error. I am looking for an easier method, possibly a file I
| can import into the registry. I need some expert advice on this
| issue, many thanks.