"Earle Horton" wrote in message
Google "Microsoft layoffs".
I was the first to post on it here.
Now with less development and testing staff, one expects that Microsoft
will fall back on proven technology to maintain what is left of their
revenue stream. This means extending the product cycle for XP and
possibly fixing bugs in OE and Windows Mail.
The problem is that the code base hasn't been touched in six years, or is
alleged to be so, and anyone venturing therein is liable to spring booby
traps that have been left either inadvertently or as a means of job
G Intriguing...
If the economy is as bad as some say it is, then stasis is what you are
going to get. Stasis could be OE, it would be WM or it could even be the
present bug-filled WLM.
WLM needs a dose of salts -- and an Orkin man.
The people who are capable of fixing Quick views, causing Outbox to purge
itself of sent messages, or implementing skins to at least provide an
alternative to the nauseous pastel, well they are being laid off even as
we speak.
I don't buy for a second, that it is necessary to remove HTTP/WebDAV
support from the servers, that it is impossible to support DeltaSync in
OE, or that XP is nearing the end of its useful life. I am waiting for
the bail-out request from Redmond though.
Lux et Veritas et Libertas
Vires et Honor
"D. Spencer Hines" wrote in message
OE doesn't support Deltasync. It never will because OE has been an
unsupported and dead product for 6 years (and why it was no longer
bundled with IE as of version 7).
...Which is why it is so risible and indicative of Poor Management and
Technical Incompetence, in SOME QUARTERS, that MS has not been able to
field a finished, new email/newsreader for customers even given SIX YEARS
...Instead, we got the Totally Bollixed WINDOWS LIVE MAIL.
D. Spencer Hines
Lux et Veritas et Libertas
Vires et Honor
Veni, Vidi, Calcitravi Asinum
"VanguardLH" wrote in message
donna wrote:
My outllook express doesn't work with hotmail or aol. What email
programs does it work with? thanks, donna
Hotmail and AOL are not e-mail programs. Those are e-mail services.
Outlook Express works with any e-mail service that supports the POP,
IMAP, and SMTP mail protocols. OE also supports Microsoft's proprietary
HTTP/WebDAV protocol but that is getting phased out and replaced with
Microsoft's proprietary HTTP/Deltasync mail protocol. OE doesn't
support Deltasync. It never will because OE has been an unsupported and
dead product for 6 years (and why it was no longer bundled with IE as of
version 7).
Hotmail is switching to Deltasync. You won't be able to use OE for new
freebie Hotmail accounts. Some legacy accounts still get WebDAV access.
If you pay for a Live Hotmail Plus account then you get access to its
POP/SMTP and WebDAV mail hosts so you can use those mail protocols.
Microsoft is promising the return of POP/SMTP access sometime this
February (but don't hold your breath).
AOL supports both POP and IMAP along with SMTP. You'll have to read
their web help pages on server setup in an e-mail client. You cannot
use POP/IMAP/SMTP with a freebie AOL account (the one you typically get
when signing up for a free account). You have to signup using their
http://domains.aol.com/ site (which doesn't give you an AOL screenname
to match up with this account). Use the TunoMe link to use one of their
domains for your AOL e-mail account.