Ok, so at first I have to load the Outlook 10 library in order to
detect the version and then if it is the 2007 version I load its
library, correct?
On 27 Gen, 22:44, "Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]"
Outlook.Application.Version. It's a string so you'd have to parse the
string. I usually look at the 2 leftmost characters, if they are "12" it's
Outlook 2007, "11" is Outlook 2003, etc.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]http://www.slovaktech.com
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007.
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options.http://www.slovaktech.com/products.htm
wrote in message
Ok, very smart.
What is the best way to detect the Outlook version?