You can't load the libraries it's what's referenced when you compile.
You would create a project to create a DLL and use the Outlook.12 library
for that (Outlook 2007). The main code only references the earliest version
of Outlook you need to support. If that code discovers that
Outlook.Application.Version.StartsWith("12") == true then it loads the DLL
that handles the Outlook 2007 context menus and doesn't instantiate the
CommandBars.OnUpdate() event handler since context menus will be handled
using that DLL.
Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Professional Programming Outlook 2007.
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options.
wrote in message
Ok, so at first I have to load the Outlook 10 library in order to
detect the version and then if it is the 2007 version I load its
library, correct?