Total Simple Backup Solution
Previously I have been directed to Outlook Express Quick Backup.
There is no obvious way for someone as unlearned as me to use it to back up
selected dbx files in a way that I can be assured that I can get them back
when I need them. Perhaps if more elaborate graphic instructions were
available or something.
However, when I did try it, I think it tried to back up all of my dbx files
into a single back up folder. Mine will be way too big for a CD, so,
Is the best Total Simple Backup Solution to buy one of those external 500
gig hard drives and then just copy the huge backup folder to that every time
I back up? Or even better, if it is a simple trick to learn, get outlook
express quick backup to back up everything directly to the 500 gig hard drive?
Would OEQB only add the new stuff to the backed up stuff or does it just
back up everything? If the latter I guess I just erase the third last backup
every time I backup.
If I switch to outlook, does it have a back up built in that will allow even
me to intuitively select particular dbx (or whatever they are in outlook)
files to automatically back up daily?
If not, is there a solution that does?