Messages That Just Stick In The Outbox
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February 9th 09, 06:20 PM posted to microsoft.public.outlookexpress.general,,
R. C. White
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Messages That Just Stick In The Outbox
Hi, Doug.
Windows Live updates aren't offered through Windows Update - yet.
To get the latest version of Windows Live Mail - and all the rest of the
Live suite - go to:
R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail 2009 in Win7 Ultimate x64 7000)
"Doug W." stand@attention wrote in message
My version is: Version 2008 [Build 12.0.1606]
Not sure but mine appears to be older version than yours but Microsoft
Update hasn't offered any newer version to me.
Actually I have not switched from OE as I use either one, with OE as the
default program for eml and nws messages. WLM took my defaults away even
when I told it not to, but I snatched them back. Seems to work for me
having both available. I use WLM mostly for hotmail although not
exclusively so.
Doug W.
I'm using the newest version of WLM, 14.0.8050.1202...
Which admittedly miraculously went from bug-plagued beta to supposedly
finished RTW version overnight.
Which version of WLM are you using and when did you switch from OE?
N. B. I'm sending this from Outlook Express, because it's more reliable.
"Doug W." stand@attention wrote in message
My WLM works as OE does and holds the message in the Out box until I
It. You must have an old beta version.
Doug W.
We've now established that the...
"Send this message later, when I trigger it to be sent, rather than
So useful in Outlook Express...
Has been botched, excised and eliminated in Windows Live Mail --
allegedly out of some loony belief that the send functions
in WLM needed to be "Regularized".
There they go again...
So they've introduced a New Bug in WLM.
D. Spencer Hines
R. C. White
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