Auto Configure Outlook (PRF)
I was trying to follow instructions on how to auto-configure Outlook2003.
What i would like to do is if a computer needs to moves desks, have there
email automatically get setup.
I've created a PRF with CIW, If i log onto a fresh comp , and go to command
prompt and cd all the way to C:\program files\microsoft office\office11 and
then type outlook.exe /importprf
"\\MYServer\OUTLOOKProfileAutoSetup\CRTOutLook .PRF outllook sets it self up
Now what i then tried was using CIW to remove the following reg entries
Delete the following registry key values:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\O utlook\Setup\First-Run
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\O utlook\Setup\FirstRun
And Adding
In the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\O utlook\Setup
subkey, set the value of ImportPRF to a string value that specifies the name
and path of the PRF file. For example, set ImportPRF to
But when i log in and double click outllook it does not config it.
Hope this makes sense ...any ideas