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Old February 17th 09, 10:45 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 92
Default Unable to Send or Receive email

On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 13:21:00 -0800, ATT new web site with wrote:

Since ATT switch to Yahoo base webmail. I am unable to send or receive email
using Outlook or Outlook Express. My original account was with Bellsouth. The
POP3 and SMTP has change to, and I continuously receive error
Has anyone encounter any Outlook-email problems with ATT Yahoo new web mail.

I don't use MS Outlook, however some have had problems with Outlook 2002, or
Outlook 2003 and the AT&T-Yahoo! servers. Some who have cleared the problem
by applying the latest Service Packs, or deleting personal security
certificates, or uninstalling Windows Live Onecare.

From my perspective, I have had no problems accessing
'' w/SSL using any of a number of local clients, from
MS Outlook Express 6 to the Mercury/32 'Distributing POP3 Client'.

However, '' w/SSL is another matter. You can only use
the same email address as sender as you used to log in. If you use any other
email address as sender than the log in email address, and you don't jump
through some Yahoo! imposed hoops, you will see a failure.

Currently, none of the SMTP message submission clients I've used with
'' w/SSL have failed, except the Mercury/32 'SMTP
Relay Client C', and I can't fix that within the scope of limitations
imposed by Yahoo!.

~Oh Lord, why have you come
~To Konnyu, with the Lion and the Drum