O/look 03 IMAP-Sent mail from pc doesn't appear in svr Sent Items
I have set up IMAP on three of my pc's and all works fine, except.....
When I send a mail from one pc using Outlook 2003, it stays in the local PC
Personal folders and doesn't move to the Sent items folder that reside on the
IMAP server.
Any other mails moved around manually between folders synch up ok.
I can even drag mails into and out of Sent Items from other folders and they
move fine.
The problem appears to be that mails sent from the client pc are never
actually sent to the IMAP server. One point here - Outlook Express works
fine, it's just from my Outlook 2003 pc I have a problem with.
I've searched all Outlook Tools/Options configs and can't find a reference
anywhere to this. Is it a version or compatibility problem?
My hosting site Support desk won't help as they say it is a client problem
not a host problem.
Help please?!