Lost archived contacts
Thanks for the lesson.
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Unless you have access to the original data store.
The take home lesson here is that archiving is not the same as backing up.
Only outdated information is archived. Contacts do not become outdated
because Outlook has no idea which of your Contacts has died.
Russ Valentine
"Chas" wrote in message
So I guess I'm up the river without a paddle?
"Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]" wrote:
Contacts are never archived unless you expressly changed the properties
that folder.
Russ Valentine
"Chas" wrote in message
I recently archived all of the current outlook files due to being laid
from my employer to start fresh. everything was archive and is
through the achrived file below the new one at the top. The only one
does not appear is the contacts. I really wanted to pull some of the
into the new contacts folder to simplify the process and now I can't
locate them.