I think you should try using the ".../CleanViews" Command-Line
Switch for Outlook. This restores default views.
NOTE: All custom views you created are lost.
This is very simple in that all you do is open outlook, but not by
clicking the icon.
Instructions for Outlook 2007
See the following link for information on how to use
this switch VERY EASY:
" wrote
in message ...
Nikki -- Thanks for responding. They keep disappearing from Favorites.
Thank you.
"Nikki Peterson" wrote:
Two answers, depending...
Are they disappearing from the "Favorites"?
Are you unable to see Public Folders at all?
" wrote
in message ...
I use Exchange Server 2003 and Office Pro 2007. We just upgraded to office
pro 07 and now the shared calendars and public contacts that are in a
folder keep disappearing. Is there any way to keep them there?
Thank you.