If you are using stationery, some default to a specific font and size.
Tools | Options | Compose. Make sure nothing is checked or selected in the
Stationery section, including Blank.
In IE: Tools | Internet Options | Accessibility. Uncheck: "Ignore font sizes
specified on web pages".
Also see:
OLEXP: The Font Size Changes When You Press ENTER in a New Message:
OLEXP: Default Font Size Is Not Applied in a New HTML E-mail Message:
OLEXP: Large or Small Font Printing Message from Outlook Express:
OLEXP: Cannot Change Text Format Using Outlook Express:
OLEXP: Large Font Printing Message from Outlook Express:
Bruce Hagen
MS-MVP Outlook Express
Imperial Beach, CA
"ECLiPSE 2002" wrote in message
I cannot seem to change the font size and type for mail messages. Per
the Help menu instructions I have gone to TOOLSOPTIONSCOMPOSE and
selected 12pt. Verdana - Regular for mail and click OK and Apply and
OK and when I open a new message window the toolbar always shows
Arial, 10? I know I can change the font via the toolbar within the
new message window each time I compose, but why can't I permanently
set it via the TOOLSOPTIONSCOMPOSE and eliminate the need to reset
each time within the new message window?
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong.