outlook 2007
I have experienced certain attachment emails that I forward to various email
receipients that the email I forward will stay in the outbox until it has
sent enough of the same email out that it desires. In other words the
attachment email gets to where it is going but multiple times. The receipient
can get anywhare from 2 to 2 dozen of the same email.This does'nt happen all
the time just it seems with attachment emails, Or certain attachment emails.
I tried to send it to my server based email account and it would'nt go at
all. I created a web based email account and it sent there only after a
clicked the send all button after I tried to send it the first time. I looked
for it in the sent box but it was still in the outbox. I clicked the send now
button again and I got another copy of the same email, but it still did'nt
leave the outbox.evreytime I tried to close outlook it said I still have
messages in the outbox. I ended up deleting it so I could close the program.
anybody have any ideas