Thread: OE default
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Old March 28th 06, 04:10 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 39
Default OE default

"maeve" wrote in message
I have OE OK in IE, but still when I right click and 'send to' mail
recipient it opens in outlook!

How about the following HTA?

!-- FileName : MyMailerEn.hta --
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=en-us"
titleSelection of Mail Client/title
hta:application scroll="no"/
script language=vbs
Option Explicit
Const ClientKey = "Software\clients\mail\"
Const W = 300, H = 200: Dim Form
With window
.resizeTo W, H
.moveTo (screen.availWidth - W) \ 2, (screen.availHeight - H) \ 2
End With
Sub Initialize()
Dim Client, SubKeys, aSubKey, aOption
Set Form = document.all
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next
Client = .RegRead("HKCU\" & ClientKey)
If Err Then Client = .RegRead("HKLM\" & ClientKey)
On Error GoTo 0
End With
If EnumKey("HKLM\" & ClientKey, SubKeys) 0 Then Me.Close
For Each aSubKey In SubKeys
Set aOption = document.createElement("option")
aOption.innertext = aSubKey: aOption.value = aSubKey
If aSubKey = Client Then aOption.selected = True
End Sub
Sub SetClient
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.RegWrite "HKCU\" & ClientKey, Form.Clients.value
If Form.CB1.Checked Then _
.RegWrite "HKLM\" & ClientKey, Form.Clients.value
End With
End Sub
Function EnumKey(ByVal MainKey, SubKeys)
Const HKLM = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", Tmp = "Temp.reg"
Dim Buf, Pat, cRes, aRes, aKey
Select Case Left(MainKey, 4)
Case "HKCR": MainKey = HKCR & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
Case "HKCU": MainKey = HKCU & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
Case "HKLM": MainKey = HKLM & Mid(Mainkey, 5)
End Select
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run "Regedit /e " & Tmp & " """ & MainKey & """", 0, True
End With
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not .FileExists(Tmp) Then EnumKey = 1: Exit Function
With .OpenTextFile(Tmp, 1, False, -2)
Buf = .ReadAll: .Close
End With
.DeleteFile Tmp
End With
Pat = "\[" & Replace(MainKey, "\", "\\") & "\\([^\]\\]+)"
With New RegExp
.IgnoreCase = True: .Global = True
.Pattern = Pat: Set cRes = .Execute(Buf)
End With
If cRes.Count = 0 Then EnumKey = 1: Exit Function
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each aRes In cRes
aKey = aRes.SubMatches(0)
If Not .Exists(aKey) Then .Add aKey, ""
SubKeys = .Keys(): EnumKey = 0
End With
End Function
/script/headbody onload=Initializeform
pChange Mail Client invoked by br
   'SendTo - MailRecipient'br/p
pClient : select id=Clients/selectbr
input type=checkbox id=CB1Change also Default Client/p
p align=centerinput type=button value=Set onclick=SetClient
    input type=button value=Quit onclick=close/p

Miyahn (Masataka Miya****a) JPN
Microsoft MVP for Microsoft Office - Excel(Jan 2006 - Dec 2006)
